Posts tagged unmedicated birth
Unexpected- Part Two

On November 22, 2022 around 7:00pm, Brianna’s name popped up on my phone. I answered to hear an excited and shocked sweet voice telling me, “My water just broke at Whole Foods!” After gathering more details and laughing together that she had a Hollywood moment, I encouraged her to call her midwife and then call me back. A few minutes later, Brianna called again to say her midwife said to go home and rest, eat, shower… laboring at home for as long as possible was a part of her birth plan so this seemed like the right call.

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Our 5 Best Tips for Rocking Your Birth

So you want to rock your labor and delivery- and specifically, you want an unmedicated birth?! Choosing to decline medications or an epidural, and birthing a baby without these said drugs, isn’t going to be easy- but it can be done. And we’re here to help you prepare!

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