Posts tagged baby girl
Unexpected- Part Two

On November 22, 2022 around 7:00pm, Brianna’s name popped up on my phone. I answered to hear an excited and shocked sweet voice telling me, “My water just broke at Whole Foods!” After gathering more details and laughing together that she had a Hollywood moment, I encouraged her to call her midwife and then call me back. A few minutes later, Brianna called again to say her midwife said to go home and rest, eat, shower… laboring at home for as long as possible was a part of her birth plan so this seemed like the right call.

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Gender Disappointment

Okay, friends- we’re about to get brutally honest here. Are you paying attention?

Here it goes…

 It’s okay to hope for a boy or a girl. And it’s okay if you are disappointed when the opposite of what you were dreaming of pops up on the ultrasound screen or after your baby’s sex is announced at the birth. This doesn’t make you a bad parent.

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