Posts tagged postpartum depression
Postpartum Limbo

You’ve made it through 4 weeks of parenthood! You’re starting to get a little more pep in your step and gaining confidence in this whole having a newborn thing.  You’re still not getting much sleep but it’s starting to feel like a new normal- especially since the baby did a longer stretch last night! You basically can conquer the world now... right?

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Postpartum Support

Imagine it’s a weekday morning and you’re at home with your little baby. You’re in your favorite chair or coziest spot on the couch and your best friend just came over. Oh, you know the one. They can come over, look right past any disarray, and sit with you making you feel at ease- immediately. They know where your mugs are and easily make their own cup of tea. They see that there are a few dishes in the sink from the night before, so they take care of those too without making a big deal about it.

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Preparing for Postpartum

Take it from two experienced birth and postpartum doulas who are also moms- prepping for life after labor and delivery is crucial. The postpartum period comes naturally with unavoidable twists & turns but there is good news! Taking a few small steps now will have you thanking yourself in the future.

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The Postpartum Series - Introduction

Have you ever had something so necessary and precious to say, but the words fall flat? No matter how precise and descriptive you are, it’s simply not enough.

Well, friends, that’s where I was when I started this blog post.

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