Posts tagged sleep shaping
Stop the Mom Shaming!

Then there’s us- the ones in the trenches with fresh postpartum moms- and all we have to say is STFU to anyone speaking on behalf of all moms from a place of privilege.

The privilege of an easy pregnancy.
The privilege of a smooth postpartum recovery.
The privilege of no complications for mom or baby.
The privilege of health.
The privilege of no PPD/PPA.
The privilege of a fantastic maternity/paternity leave.
The privilege of sound sleep and easy feedings.
The privilege of feeling a strong bond with your baby.

We promise, if you knew a mom with a baby freshly cut from her abdomen, or one dealing with stitches from a deep 4th degree tear, you wouldn’t say a word about her needing support. So why is it that if a new mom is struggling mentally or emotionally, or a mom is gathering her tools for her postpartum tool belt, it’s okay to be completely dismissive of her experience by making judgement-laced comments about how perfect their own postpartum recovery + baby’s first few months were? It’s passive best.

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