Posts tagged Mother;s Day Gift Guide
Mother's Day Gift Guide 2020

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Mothers deserve to be celebrated every year- and even more so this year. Moms have been restructuring and pivoting, all the while comforting her family and dealing with her own worries and fears. Moms are now working from home, homeschooling, isolated from their friends and extended family, in the throes of having a newborn, wiping the tears from disappointed teenagers, and missing their child’s graduation. Being a mom isn’t easy- and being one during a pandemic means Mother’s Day 2020 needs to be EXTRA special!!

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The Moment I Became a Mom - Jordan

So many moments come flooding to my head when I think about this.

I remember so clearly the day leading up to the birth of my first son, Landon. I had literally been daydreaming about his birth during my whole pregnancy and I woke up that morning and just KNEW it was the day that I would meet him.

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Mother's Day Gift Guide

When we buy gifts, we always like to consider who we are buying for. What would truly make them feel special and loved?  We often turn to “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman when we’re trying to find a meaningful gift. If you haven’t heard of this book we will clue you in on what the “Five Love Languages” are and give you a few gift ideas for each.

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