Fireworks and Babies- Everything You Need to Know

Indianapolis 4th of July Fireworks - Carl Van Rooy Photography

Indianapolis on the Fourth of July
Photo by- Carl Van Rooy Photography


crack! boom! bam!

July is here and that means FIREWORKS! Even if July 4th is your favorite holiday, you might be stressing a bit more this year if you have a newborn or little babe. Whether you’re nervous about taking your littles to see them, or you’re anxious about all the neighborhood fireworks that are going to wake your baby over the next couple of weeks, we’re here to help ease your worries with some tips and encouragement.


at home buffers

Rest assured, most newborns won’t be phased by the late-night pops while they’re sweetly slumbering away at home. They will sleep through almost anything! Unfortunately, that might not be the case if you have a baby between 4-12 months old- especially if they are a light sleeper. A little preparation and the right tools go a long way.

OUR TIP- Gather Up Reinforcements!

  • Sound machines

  • Portable fan

  • A heavy blanket or blackout curtains to cover the windows.

These items will hopefully block out some of the sounds and keep baby resting soundly!



take a step back

Are you feeling anxious about bringing a baby to watch the fireworks and worried about how they might react? Most babes are going to do just fine, but some babies and toddlers are going to be sensitive to the loud noises and sensations. 

OUR TIP- Hang Back!

Find a viewing event where you can park and watch near your car, so you can hop back in with baby if needed. The sounds will also be a little quieter the further away you are from the blast zone. If you need a big buffer, you can stay in your car and watch from inside. Pack snacks or dinner and have a little car picnic with your partner while watching the fireworks in your car while your baby sleeps in their car seat. And hey, we know you’re really smart, but it must be said…Don’t leave your baby in the car alone, no matter what.



Lots of parents are concerned about ear protection, and rightfully so! Those little ears are precious!

OUR TIP- Ear Muffs!

They have relatively inexpensive protective ear muffs that you can purchase on Amazon or at your local Target, Walmart or Dicks Sporting Goods. Your hands or a thick blanket can also act as a sound buffer. Also, set up your chairs as far away from where they are launching without compromising the sights.


“The fireworks are wayyyy past bedtime.” Have you said or thought that this year? Here us out on this one- IT’S GOING TO BE OK! The littlest babies are probably going to snooze right through them.

OUR TIP- Let It Go!

Babywearing is a lifesaver here…and hooray for the extra cuddles. With older babies, your bedtime worries are going to go right out the window when you see their little faces light up. Seeing them watch fireworks is right up there with little ones on Christmas morning. Let it go and enjoy the moment! One night won’t mess up their sleep routine. And as soon as it’s over, you can hop in the car and get them to bed. They might be a little cranky and out of sorts next day, but it’s totally worth it in the long run. And hey, the day after happens to fall on a Friday this year. So cheers to that!


More than anything, our hope is that you embrace the celebrations and memories made with your family. It’s a great time to get all the cousins, neighborhood friends, or close friends together for a viewing party. The kids will entertain each other and keep everyone in good spirits until the show starts Or, if quality family time with just your partner and child/children is rare thing, start a new annual tradition of watching the fireworks together with your little family.

Here’s to all the oohs & aahs, wide-eyed gazes, and living in the moment.
Happy Fourth of July, friends!

Toddler girl holding american flag in field